Detection & Measurement System News

Measure Gases in Diverse Ranges of Safe Area Applications

The SERVOPRO range makes Servomex's reliable, stable and accurate gas measurements available to a diverse range of safe area applications.

An extensive range of non-depleting Servomex gas sensing technologies – including Paramagnetic, Zirconia, Flame Ionization Detection, Plasma and Gas Chromatography – are integrated into flexible analyzers. These either meet specific measurement requirements, such as for syngas, hydrocarbons or trace gas mixtures, or provide multi-gas monitoring capabilities for applications including ASU production and Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS).

SERVOPRO analyzers feature:

  • Remote communication options
  • Direct operation via intuitive onboard software
  • Mountings for benchtop or 19" rack use

Schedule a call with one of our Account Managers today. Or read more about Servomex products in Servomex Magazine - Issue 24. 

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